Builders who eat.
Join our network of engineering leaders to get trusted advice and connections.
Have Lunch & Connect
Free Forever
Our community hosts lunches in major cities worldwide, and our private email community is an easy way to reach out for advice from fellow engineering leaders and get thoughtful responses.
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Exclusive Community
$99/month (30 day free trial)
The "back room" small group of CTO Lunches.
  • Networking
  • Advice
  • Ad-Hoc Conversation/Feedback
  • A Safe Space to Vent with Peers
Apply to Join
$4,000 for one lunch or $10,000 for three
Executive meals are hard to arrange on your own— getting in front of your audience is easy with CTO Lunches.
  • Join a lunch and give a brief pitch
  • Personal connection face to face
Get in touch and find out why we have many repeat sponsors.
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CTO Lunches Plus
The "backroom" small community of CTO Lunches, here are some of our members:
  • Sean O'Connor
    Director of Engineering at Datadog
  • Dominique
    CTO at Affinity
  • Luke Stevens
    Director of Engineering at Jellyfish
  • Sreejith Chelanchery
    SVP of Delivery & Infrastructure Engineering at Dotdash Meredith
  • Ali Shahriyari
    Co-Founder/CTO at Reality Defender
  • Jason Cole
    Founder and CTO at Da Primus
  • Rishi Malik
    VP of Engineering at Varo
    Founder at Backstop
  • Kendall Miller
    Advisor, Board Member, CxO
  • Victor Rivero
    CTO at AAI
  • Allan Wintersieck
    On hiatus, former CTO/Co-founder at Devetry, Partner at DEPT
  • Dominic Tancredi
    CEO at Dom & Tom
  • Sanjay Gupta
    CTO at Autonomiq
About CTO Lunches
In 2014, Miles Matthias & Kevin Owocki were talking about becoming CTOs of their respective startups and asked the question, "How do computer science people figure out how to lead a team?" We started a monthly lunch with a few people more experienced than us to answer that question. Fast forward a few years, and now the group has 1000+ engineering leaders in an active email and monthly lunch group.
Group Rules
1. Current or former engineering leaders only. No recruiters, no sales people, no gimmicks.

2. The core community will always be FREE.

3. The continual goal for group owners is to add value to the group. New projects might involve sponsors, but the core monthly lunches and email discussions will never be changed, or allowed to be invaded by sponsors or non-engineering leaders.